Tuesday 8 January 2008

The musik in architecture

whats the meaning of architecture ...why there are music harmoni in architecture design, you exactly confuse...why...why...why...

now I,m Explain...architectur is harmony, and music is harmony..
unsur harmony adalah...
  1. unity
  2. irama/ritme
  3. emphasis / tekanan/ vokal pint/
  4. balancing/keseimbangan
  5. thema.tema( klasik.pop.rock.contemporer,dangdut,tropis minimalis,minimalis,music minimalis.....hampir sama kan....
becouse of that architecture is harmony and in the music is harmony to....please dont go with the harmony...

Monday 7 January 2008

Bath room design

Get free downloads new bath room design for your home

fugtionality and estetis

ornament and assesories

the minimalis bath room design

minmalis and etnik creatif bath room design

bath room is place to taken a bath in primary fungtionally.but now bath room is place for make a relaxing with a new atmosphere.

the bath room can be make many atmosphere
  1. minimalis design clean style
  2. minimalis etnik
  3. minimalis resort etnik
  4. clasicall design
  5. pop art
  6. kontemporer
  7. japanese bath room
  8. cow boy bath room
  9. the king bath room
  10. javanese bath room design with genthong design
  11. and many many tema you can make a style.....
and make an ornament is should be unite with a thema, for example...bath room design minimalis,you can put an accesories modern minimalis ornament.as fine art painting with thema pop art or abstract. asesories should be a simple design. for the relaxing you can put ' radio or music' at the space or if the bath room having wide extra you can put a tv...for entertainment.

an asesorsories can be put in bath room
  1. flowers
  2. lilin
  3. aroma terapi
  4. ornament penunjang tema can be put on floor tile or wall.
  5. lamp direct and indirect light
  6. bisa juga di kasih cordenn...
  7. kalau perlu di kasih sound system and video cd biar refreshing di kamar mandi bisa optimal.
standart bath room
  1. closet duduk atau jongkok
  2. bak mandi/shower
  3. tempat sabun
  4. tempat sikat gigi dan tempat wewwangian.
  5. hannging clothes
speciall bath room
  1. closet duduk atau jongkok
  2. bak mandi
  3. tempat sabun
  4. tempat sikat gigi dan tempat wewangian.
  5. hannging cloth
  6. bath tub
  7. screen shower with the music
  8. lukisan bertema
  9. direct indirect light
vip bath room
  1. closet duduk atau jongkok
  2. bak mandi
  3. tempat sabun
  4. tempat sikat gigi dan tempat wewangian.
  5. hannging cloth
  6. bath tub
  7. screen shower with the music
  8. lukisan bertema
  9. direct indirect light
  10. make a good view from site
  11. can be place a whirl pool or jacuzi
with me an architect from west java indonesia we will give you a good idea for your bath room.
refresshing,relaxing,and segaaaar....and hasilnya your perfomance is cool,calm and confident.

terimakasih atas kunjungannya di web kami

ttd Rony,st .

principal dan arsitektur design

Rony Design Studio
jl cakalang no 6,perumahan Tambak Rejo Indah.. surabaya
Contact us :P. Rony 031-720.62000,hp 085.8511.62000

e-mail : Rony_design@yahoo.co.id top search